Friday, July 11, 2008

Impact Tip - Earth911

I know, I'm late...yesterday was total chaos trying to get to and from the airport took me 3 hours! So I completely forgot it was Thursday, but here is part of what I was doing so hopefully you will forgive me ;)

You might remember in April I went to visit my very pregnant and best friend Lauren...

Well she had the baby, a beautiful baby girl named Esme (sounds like ez-may) and they were in town until yesterday. It was the first time I got to meet this adorable little baby and here are a few of the snapshots I got of her.

I mean come on! Those cheeks are insane :)

Now onto the impact tip. Ok, this web address it might sound a little dramatic but my mom shared this site with me and I think it is worth sharing. They have a ton of great information about what you can do to get involved, start recycling, start composting, educated yourself on greening up your life AND the workplace which is another hint for the big unveiling next week of my new secret project ;)

So while you are anxiously awaiting the news, check out this site.

Enjoy the weekend!! I know I will, my first one off since April ;) And you guessed it, I am going climbing!

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