Pamela and Dave had an amazingly fun filled day with all the essence of a Vrai wedding, true moments, real emotion, and natural beauty. I couldn't be happier for them and their new life together!
This pastor was hilarious, he came out to have the marriage certificate signed and said, "We need a hard surface to write on, how about that crane" Sounded good to me! :) A somewhat sticky version of lady and the tramp! And two of Molly's favs
You keep doing what you do! I love your posts and get amped whenever I see your fresh work. Please file that cake photo away for me.
I am passionate about what I do and determine to incorporate my love for people and life into my art.
If you can't find me, I am likely climbing any cliff I can find.
I am definitly from the midwest but I can't be contained there. I have a restless spirit that keeps me traveling and finding new places to explore!
You keep doing what you do! I love your posts and get amped whenever I see your fresh work. Please file that cake photo away for me.
You are such an amazing photographer and I love how pleased my sister was and know she is very anxious to see all the other pics on June 10th.
Lynn Klamerus
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